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Supported Computers (Minimum Specs)

Supported Computers (Minimum Specs)

The following specifications have been determined to be the minimally acceptable levels for computing and printing hardware at Butte College for the academic year 2015-2016. Any service or support we are asked to provide for computing equipment below these levels (hardware, applications, and operating system) will be serviced and supported as resources and parts are available.

Visit our Support Guidelines page should you need further information on what we support.


Updated Summer 2016

Dell Model Years (approximate) *
YearOptiplexLatitude 15-inchLatitude 14-inch
2016 3020, 3040, 5040, 7040 E6540, E5570 E7450, E7470
2015 3020, 7020, 9020 E6540 E7440
2014 3020, 7020, 9020 E6540 E6440
2013 3010, 7010, 9010 6540 7440, E6440
2012 755, 380, 7010, 9010 E6530 E6430
When re-purposing existing computers, Butte recommends only the use of models above this line. Older computers might require memory and other upgrades to function with newer software.
Models below this line are not suitable for support or use on campus. Please request a consultation to discuss replacement options.
2011 390, 755, 760, 780, 790, 990 E5520, E6520 E6420
2010 380, 780, 980 E5510, E6510 E5410, E6410
2009 760, 960 E5500, E6500 E6400
2008 755    
2007 745 D830 D630
2006 GX280, GX620 D820 D620, D520
2005 GX280, GX620 D810 D610, D510
2004 GX270, 170L   D505
2003 2030, 7020, 9020 D800 D600, D500
2002 GX260   C640
2001 GX240    

The above list is not all inclusive, but does represent a number of machines still in use across the college that are no longer able to be fully supported due to their age.

Models in Bold Italic are Butte College designed standard models, and will be the models procured for the majority of campus users.


Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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